I created this lo for his 36th bday photos last year. I played with a lot of distress ink, crackle paint n mod podge. I'm trying to incorporate different style n techniques and i'm most comfortable having more than 3 pic's on a single lo. Not sure how to make one with a single photo n simple look. Maybe one of these days i'll give it a shot! Hehehe...
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Friday, January 29, 2010
Thank you all...
A few Thank you's to kind friend.
1. Thank u ana for a delicious lasagna. I did not managed to snap any photos and i hope u dont mind me borrowing a picture from 'mon petite cafe' blog. Yes it was delicious and within minutes half of the foil content is resting nicely in my bloated tummy!!! hahaha..:)
2. Thank u yam for the pointers and tips on techniques, also for the crackle paint and mod podge! i love it to bits and tried to use it sparingly. Too precious to be wasted! hehehe..
3. Thank you aziyan for a delicious 'red velvet' cuppies. I have never tasted such unique mixture before and now i know why it's ur specialty!! heaven...hehehe. Ohh ya..again pls excuse me borrowing a photo from ur blog..:)
In d 'PINK'
With V day just around the corner i’m sure I’ll be seeing pink all over town or perhaps a combination of red too!!! As usual this is my favorite color but I always tone it down with either a grey jacket/sweaters or black pants. I can never carry the all over pink look. I don’t have the guts! But of course it’s a different story if u r a ‘A lister’ Hollywood celebrities. Ohhh yes they look amazing! And oh so Barbie too..hehehe.
With the right combination of shoes and accessories it’s wearable too for us mere mortals. Donning a bright pink outfit doesn’t mean u need to wear a bright pink lipstick, perhaps a nude colour will suit better and yeah go light on d blusher too. Try to avoid clashing of colours, a brown or muted eyeshadow works well. Oh well that’s how I’d do it, no professional advice here just my thoughts! Hehehe.
I think based on these photos, my favorites wud definitely be ‘her’. Yeahhh little suri with mom n dad good looks and those lanky legs for a 3yrs old!!! *sigh*. Already she’s a ‘star in d making’ no doubt bout that!..
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Only Me...
This may sound a bit selfish and u guys might wonder and think if i'm obsess with myself.. hahaha..h*ll no!! i'm just being vain!! well the truth is i wanted to project various style in wearing my hijab!! As in the photos below, there is 'tudung syria', and 'munawwarah' and also..'tie rack scarf'.
A jumble up of style i must say. Most of the time i just wear what fancy me and it depend so much on my scale of laziness on that day. What better way than to preserved the memory and moment by creating a lo for myself n my hijab style. I can never start on anything as i dont know when to stop...so please expect more lo's in the coming days!!! hehehe...cheers!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Her birthday LO
Can u believe this is only my 3rd Lo??? Hahaha. I'm not sure why but everytime i tried to do one i get nervous and goosebump all over!! And finally i managed to get one done this morning. So feedback please..i really need a few pointers here n there..;)
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Sunday, January 24, 2010
BBQ Lunch at mom's
Jemput makan..burrrpppp..alhamdulillah. Hehehe. A family affair with no particular reason except we juz love gatherings n we love our parents!! Hahaha. Tq mom for a delicious nasi lemak n sambal asam powerrrr...;)
Wondergirls - Nobody
I dance to this tune at Jazzercise class and was told that the singer is a korean group called wondergirls. The song is catchy and fun to dance too! and after watching this video clip i now cant stop humming the melody in my head. Oohhh the gurls are so sexy and gorgeous!!! and they did a great move. This is my fav song for the moment!! hahaha...

Friday, January 22, 2010
Hip Hip Hooorraaayyyyyy!!!
I’m so excited..n I just cant hide it..i know, I know, I know I want it..hehehe. Oohhh I’m so thankful to be surrounded by beautiful, kind and talented individuals!! Thank u Allah for this amazing blessing of great friendship!
Yes, again she sent me a parcel! Sis Lybeau..u have created amazing work of arts and yes u do have a magic finger! I believe in future u’ll have orders for ur handmade items!! It’s not so much about the $$ but..the satisfaction knowing others out there are willing to own a craft made by u!!! yesss..i will gloat and bragged about it every time someone wish to purchased any of my stuff!! Hahaha…
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Crafting Session at Nachos...
On Tuesday I had a craft session with acik nah. It’s more like trying to complete d armalia portfolio n sharing a bit of info here n there. Like they say never stop learning and I am no master in any skills but I do love to share the bits n pieces of knowledge that I have. And by doing so we save a lot on classes!!! Hahaha. Terrible right!!
Well I can tell you that one of d amazing learning tools out there is you tube!!! Trust me..i learned to tie ribbons in various ways to using a corner punch to make a scallop border and how to cover a chipboard..n d list goes on. Well u dont learned that in class basically becos of time constraint i guess.
Anyway on that day we had a good session of making cards and chatting. I choose Nachos as d venue as I knew we will be spending massive amount of time and can u imagine d look of d waiter/waitress if we were to craft at other restaurant?? They wud give us d ‘get out of here’ look and probably a few irritating smirks too!! Hahaha. We did invite a few glances from curious faces but we love it!! hahaha. From now on we vowed to meet once a week at Nachos.
So this wont be the last of such entry perhaps if we did something amazing I will not forget to put it up here. And that reminds me..we totally forgot to take pics of our finished product!..darn…ehehehe. Okay maybe next time.
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