This is a photo of me n my adorable hero!! He's at school right now. This sun he will graduate from kindy n come next year he'll be attending primary school. I'm a little emotional at d moment...i guess all mommy goes through the same thing.
The feelings of letting him go is so sad..he'll be mommy's big son soon. He'll dreaded be seeing with me n he will soon ask if he's allowed to hang out with friends. Sooner or later he will shy away when I tried to kiss his cheek in public or perhaps simple gesture like holding his small hand is no longer acceptable!!!
Oohhhh I feel so tormented!!! Dear alif, if ur able to read this one day, mama juz want u to know that it is very difficult to see u grow as I always wanted u to be my little hero!!
Mama love u so much!!!
Amat2 memahami hehe...
sob!sob!sob!...i will go thru that "phase" too one day...huaaaa...huaaa!!!
saya cuba memahami eventho lom jadi mama. mmg sedey kan..even da tua bangka mcm ni , mak n kiss pun i mcm malu2 kucing je..isk isk..*perasaan apa la ni* bila mak jauh..tau pulak i meraung. uwaaa!!!! *ego*
Eynda..awak pun ada anak yg tak lama lagi jadi anak bujang..kdg2 sedih gak eehhh bila dia org tak lagi hero kecik tapi dah jadi hero besar..
Ana..yes u will, so sementara dia still ur koala bear..enjoy it while u can!!!
Yanie..Now we understand how our mother feels kan..sooner or later i have to learn to let him go..mcm tuh lah mak2 suami kita rasa kalau sekali sekala suami nak balik rasa masakan mak..kita paham2 lah yer..
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