Among the many things that i bought for myself recently..this would be the precious among it all!!! I have always been a sentimental girl. During my younger days when internet is alien to the mind what more blogging!!! Here's where i pour my heart out...dear diary. With numerous entry about boys n crush, about the future and at that moment shopping is the least in d agenda.
Yuppp hard to believe..but i was not born as a shopaholic but the course of life breed me into one!! On rainy days esp i would spend hours writing about everything n anything, creating poems, pasting lotsa pictures of myself n from magazines. Arrgghhh such simple gesture brings great pleasure!! But nowdays with the invention of greater things there is less time to spend writing.

I miss the days when i'm eager to go back n wrote about my day n pour out my heart content. Of course no one will ever read it but the satisfaction of jotting it down is what matter most to me. So since it's my bday..i'm making a new resolution...dear diary from now onwards u'll be my new best friend!!! Hehehe..n no u guys wont be able to take a peek!!! Ohhh maybe on certain entry u'll be lucky...hahaha..:p
i pon ada main diary2 gak zmn muda2 dulu...3 hari nak kawin, i bakar semua diary i...sbb? semua citer ttg pakwe lama dlm tuuuu...:P hahahahaha
Abrahyn..omg..that reminds me..i tak bakar pun!! masih terperuk kat umah my mom..haruslah kan ku koyak2..sebab citer pun psl bf lama..wakakaka
comelnya diary... :)
Naddy..comel n kinky!!! hehehe..siap ada gamba bra...
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