Monday, November 30, 2009
More on Craft...

Dec Inspiration...
Sunday, November 29, 2009
It's Hero Time!!!
Friday, November 27, 2009
His Graduation Photo..
Salam Eidul Adha
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Going Bonkers With Crafting!!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Card Making Class@Papier
I was actually late..or I might like to call it fashionably late!!! Hahaha. But teacher jessy was kind enough to wait for me before starting the class. Thank u!!! and so..we started our session by knowing a basic about our tools. Yuppp I was clueless the whole time as to how they achieved certain effects on the cards n now that I’m a little knowledgeable about it I’m certain I’m able to produce a better looking card in the future.
The classes lasted for more than 2 hrs. it was fun and mind opening as to so many possibilities of how to make used of a simple paper n turn it into a work of art!! And that is one good knowledge that I’m glad I acquired. You see it’s not that hard if u have the right tools!! Yes peeps…the normal scissors just wont do the job!!! I need to invest some huge chunk of my shopping money for this hobby of mine and yes crafting tools are EXPENSIVE!!!
I aim to get at least one or two items monthly until I get the complete basic tools for card making and scraping. Till then I’ll just try to make use of my creativity and make do with the existing items (which is very limited!!)
These are the final product of the session. Do u think they're nice??? Hehehe…