We went to 3 different shops and once I’m done the next item on the menu is ‘MAKAN’..food..food n more food. Alif thoroughly enjoyed his makan time too..i’ve never seen him so happy to get his food..hahaha..it’s a miracle!!! We were all so happy cos the beriani was superb!!! And yes I used to eat here too..our joint whenever we flew to dubai..the visitor restaurant is a must visit. Killer beriani and the juiciest mango juice ever!!!
After which like the malay proverb says ‘Gendang Gendut Tali Kecapi Kenyang Perut Suka Hati’. We left at around 11pm back to hotel.
We board our much awaited trip simply because we are traveling on board Emirates A380. and my jaw dropped upon seeing the super sized jumbo aircraft in front of our boarding gate..yup it was huge!! I was ecstatic n excited. It was my very first and hopefully not my last. During my flying days I wanted so much to travel on the Concorde and sadly that dream of mine..never happen!!! Hahaha..but anyway..god is always great..he gave me the chance to travel on one of these!! It’s amazing and ‘Alhamdulillah’