So please drop by the restaurant if u have the chance, try our food and comment/feedback are welcome. Till then 'adios amigos'...
So please drop by the restaurant if u have the chance, try our food and comment/feedback are welcome. Till then 'adios amigos'...
Photos credit to Siti from 'my cookie jar'
Then here:
And finally here:
I will try my best to update my blog whenever I got the time or if I’m not too exhausted by end of the day. Hhmmmm bear in mind I’m traveling with a 6 yrs old and a 17 months toddler. So I’m expecting the worst..hehehe..but insyallah it’ll be a fun and enjoyable trip.
Pray for my safe journey guys. Thanks…till then ‘adios’
Alif and allysha our heart and soul
In their eyes we found our joy
Together we will make it our goal
Taking care of our kids not like a toy
Thank you luv for sharing
I’m wanting it all and u ask nothing
For all u did was loving
My heart and being u always caring
On this meaningful day I hope to give
A little of what I know to be
Nothing big nothing to spree
Just a poem to you from me
-With all my heart and soul-
Amelia + Khalik
Wishing On A Star - Rose Royce
Lyrics Beyonce - Wishing On A Star lyrics
One of my favourite songs during my teenage days@picad. hehehe..if ur partying during the 90's i'm sure ur familiar with this song. Blast from the past!!
On monday I decided to meet up with my old buddy..mummycool aka ana. We meet up at her place in N**** and then off to this amazing restaurant called Aunty Aini’s. she served one of the most amazing daging masak lemak cili padi with belimbing..oh my tasted so good that I had to tapau (take away) for later. Even her asam pedas was magnificent!!! Delicious, tasty and good service. I truly enjoy my lunch there and the company too. It’s not often I get to see ana so we had a brief catch up session.
Yes fabulous people out a recycle bag, use it for ur next shopping trip or whenever u go to ur nearest grocer or ‘pasar’. I found my amazing bag at . Fret not when using this bag cos it’s washable and it can carry a weight up to 20 kg. isn’t that amazing peeps??? Plus it’s light weight and easily folded into a palm size.
* Plastic bags are often mistakenly ingested by animals, clogging their intestines which results in death by starvation. Other animals or birds become entangled in plastic bags and drown or can’t fly as a result.
* Even when they photo-degrade in landfill, the plastic from single-use bags never goes away, and toxic particles can enter the food chain when they are ingested by unsuspecting animals.
* Greenpeace says that at least 267 marine species are known to have suffered from getting entangled in or ingesting marine debris. Nearly 90% of that debris is plastic.
- facts and info taken from envirosax websites.
Even Nandos is coming up with their own campaign by introducing their very own reusable non woven bags design by renowned fashion designer Melinda looi. It’s so hot i didn’t even notice my take away dinner are getting cold as I was busy parading around the mall with my chic dinner/lunch tote!! Hahaha. So grab one the next time u eat there and do ur bit for charity as 50sen from each purchase of the bag will be donated to the GreenAid fund.