OMG!!!...this is sooooo hilarious!!! Hah..maybe I shud be thankful that I didn’t own a Gucci?? And the next time I’m thinking of getting one I shud instead purchase a plane ticket to the US and buy it in bulk!!! And a warning to LV..i will BURN all my bags if I ever find anything this absurd!!! *as if I dare to do that* hahahaha…
p/s: thanks to mummycool for sharing this email with me :)
p/s: thanks to mummycool for sharing this email with me :)
OMG!!! is this for real????
MN.. Yes beb.. Mcm beli bag kat jusco sale kan...very the!!!
kan kan..tapi i so want the gucci zipa round wallet..its usd199 sajorkkk
Elin..hahaha..sajorrrkkk tuh yg best dgr tuh..jom gi beli ticket!! kekeke
Bestnyer...kat US ke ni?? Area mana??
Eynda..kat US tapi where i dont know..hehehe cos a friend of mine fwd me the email.
makkkk aiiiiiii...dah macam takde nilai Gucci ni dilonggok2 dlm kotak!!! mak tak percaya nyah...kalau la i ada kat US time tu, harus satu kargo i bawak balik Mesia!!! adoiii, sakit jantung haku nengok nyer...:(
Abrahyn...aku pun jua!!! kekeke..mcm sale longgok2 kat JJ tuh kan..hahaha..tension jer makcik tgk!!!
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