Remember my entry on ‘100 days’. We had ‘tahlil’ to mark the 100 days since my arwah cousin passed away. Few days later the family went to visit arwah’s kubur to plant flowers and also to pay respect to their late sister. Eida ( the youngest in the family) was kind enough to let me share this photos with my FB frens and bloggers.
My Cousin (Julie), Arwah's husband n kids, Mak Long
It’s just a memory that I wish to cherish with frens n family. Thou sometimes it’s hard to swallow and yet many2 of my frens out there reminded me of how lucky we are to be given the opportunity to cherished our own life with our love ones while we can.

My Cousin (Eida) n Mak Long holding little Qays (Arwah's son)
Take each and everyday and make use of it to our best ability for we will never know what ‘Allah’ has bestowed upon our fate. Love ur family, ur frens, neighbours and people around u for u may never know when u will say ur last goodbye..be good..be nice..as u want to be remembered.
Arwahs's daughter n husband
Al Fatihah…

Semoga roh arwah dicucuri rahmatNYA
Al-Fatihah buat arwah....sedih eynda tengok anak lelaki arwah...masih kecil tak tahu apa-apa... :-(
ya allah, siannya anak2 arwah, terlalu kecil utk kehilangan ibu :( moga arwah ditempatkan di kalangan org2 yg beriman, arwah sakit apa ye? sorry, first time kat sini.
Zaila tq so much...
Eynda mmg sedih esp bila the mengenangkan baby tuhhh...
CT..my cuz passed away due to breast cancer n she's only 33 yrs old.
sayu i tengok gbr the kiddos.. how are they now?
alfatihah...semoga dia ditempatkan dikalangan org2 beriman...kdg2 i terpikir mcmane my 'time' nanti...
MN..they're doing well..they have a great dad n also good aunts n grandma. Tapi tetap kesian kan..
Abrahyn..yeah..me too, mcm lak bahagian kita kan..
Hi Amelia,
Your cousin is fondly known to us (her ex schoolmates in STF) as Mike. I've written a short note about her struggle and her passing previously. What a small world that I find 'her' here.
Takziah to you, your family and mike's. she will always be remembered as the fighter.
Hello flowerella,
Thank u for the wish. I'm glad to meet u here. Yes 'arwah' was a fighter n she did not surrender till her last breath! I admire her strength n courage. She even paid our aunt who's battling with cancer at this very moment a courtesy visit to cheer her up n offered some positive advice. That's our 'lina' or fondly known as 'mike' to u. She never potrayed any fear or regrets n has always look at life differently.
May Allah blessed her soul n I'm sure even after her passing she'll still be remembered as someone so beautiful n so pure in our hearts.
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