I’m missing my other half. Due to work we had to be parted for 4 days. It has never occurred to me that my mind would go blank without his presence. I had absolutely no idea what to blog and during the days what to do!!! I am basically lost!!! And it has never hit me before because back then I don’t blog but given the situation now, I was clueless as to what caused my mind and half of my body to partially shut down.

I had a long moment looking at my laptop screen and thinking to myself what is it that made me slacking this few days. When suddenly I notice..it’s his presence that I miss so much. Sometimes we could just be together in total silence..no word uttered but still it’s a moment by itself. Yes that’s the reason as to why there is no jovial entry or something totally awesome or inspiring. I derived my inspiration from him!!!

I for once feel suffocated for not being able to portray myself independently. What has become to the women I was 10 years back?? I was a free spirited girl back then doing almost everything out of the book and a major headache to my parents. I wouldn’t want to caused more harm to my love ones but I used to be so self reliant.
Now I expected everything to be done by him including banking my monthly ‘duit kutu’ !!!. and during his absence..i go numb!! It is by far a trait I would like to inhabit and perhaps a little change of direction wont hurt anybody. It’s time I grow up again and take charge of something. The problem is..i have become complacent in my situation. A kick on the bu*t will do me wonders!!! Hahaha.
hahahaha...baru sedar ke queen of leisure?u wanna me kick yr b**t?it wud be my pleasure...yup,you're a different person..you're right about not being independant,sthing tht i miss about you.we had tht in common until you got married..hehehe..yup,dont change too much ya..i'm afraid we wont be able to see things eye to eye anymore :(
hehehe...yeah too much leisure n lazyness goin on..still d same me but with a bigger n heavier bu*t..hehehe
sama lah kita..sometime bila depan mata tak pernah realise but bila hubby takde aghhh i get stress up easily...i think he spoilt me so much and makes his absence grew my heart to the max kan...
i dah rasa....last 2 weeks, Jon away from me for 1 week taw! ngggeeeee...
Elin..i agree they spoilt us too much!!! hahaha..yeah blame it on others yea dak..pas tuh bila org tuh takde mulalah menglabah!! kekeke
Abrahyn...oohhh u too!!..kesian kan kita nie..hehehe
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