Friday, July 31, 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Shopaholic in d making???
Power pack attire but no where to go???

Either way I’m far off fm the above scenario so I’ll just make do with dressing up and get myself busy at Nachos office (that I share with Mr Hubby) or pretend to be the all important boss at Nachos restaurant. Hahaha…yeahhh..i’ll just do both!!!

Monday, July 27, 2009
The never ending story of maid n us...

I on the other hand will not be able to handle those tasks as superbly as I wish. I was maidless before when alif was only 4 and I was 4 mths pregnant with allysha..i did ok given the delicate condition I’m in, I cook, do the laundry and still have time to spend with my husband but…I did have cleaners coming around once a week to do the house and all clothes are sent to d laundry for ironing. But now if u ask me if I’m able to repeat those moment my answer wud be no.

Friends like ana (mummycool) and maznah are those super duper mommy I like to refer too. Yes they single handedly take control of their household, children and husband included. They are fortunate in a sense that they choose to be a stay at home mom but never the less they are as sharp as any given executives or managers to compare with. I understand some of us are all of the above..they work during the day, taking care of the kids and husband at night and cleaning the house on the weekends. the only word I could utter.

So back to those who choose to have maids..some times 2 in a household. Is it fair to judge them as incompetent. I surely think NO. but I do hope they will take charge in knowing their children inside out. My only concern if the children are growing up being supervised 100% by maid!!! Mind u but in my house I’m in charge of my kids behaviors, studies and manners! If there’s a shortcoming in that department please come and blame me. Never expect ur maid to do ur job as a mom. We have to be accountable for something. How can someone gave birth to a soul and neglect them after?? Hhhmmmm but I think that’s just life..we make our own path. So the next time some children cried and run to the maids instead of the mother u’ll probably know d answer…

That ladies n gentleman is my opinion solely based on my observation if u begged to defer ur welcome to do so. Who ever said there’s a hard rules on doing anything but they surely are guidance. Yuppp we make our own bed!!
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Lunch at Ole2 Bali n everything else in between...
Sunway pyramid was buzzing with activity and not to mention the amount of people either shopping or juz lazing around with families. Us on the other hand did our monthly ritual of getting something that we needed at d moment, hubby was looking for a wind breaker..he’s going jogging!! hubby is determined to lose a few kilos in a months time.
Me on d other hand being the usual p^&n in the a** human being wanted more shoes but instead got a nice blouse fm Dorothy Perkins but reached home and I’m already whining to hubby on why he didn’t get me those comfy Nikes..oohhh well I WILL GET IT soon!!! You’ll see…hahaha..*evil grin*.

'Sajian Mexico' on Harian Metro 26th July 09

Nike Women Woven Aqua

Eeny, meeny,
Friday, July 24, 2009
Shoe..shoe...n more shoes!!!
Yeahhh that has been my way ever since??? Ever since I cud remember and no doubt soon my darling daughter will be picking up this habit too. Allysha is only 18 months but I bet with the rate I’m going (buying her new shoes every now n then)..she will out run my numbers anytime!!
Oohhh well..girls will always be girls with or without the cash!!! Hahaha. Sorry ‘yang’ u have another shopaholic in the making!! :P

Thursday, July 23, 2009
From The Nachos Kitchen

Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Something to ponder...
Our conversation most of the time is ‘heavy’ ranging from domestic to friends and family. And makes me ponder for days now on what happiness, pain and sacrifices really means. No doubt life aint a bed of roses mine included but it’s the tactic of handling such situation that matter most. She had her up’s n down’s too..but what amazed me is her capability to stay calm n focus despite having to endure such a painful experience in her life.
Never once she lashed out or some might say ‘washing ur dirty laundry in public’ given her circumstances, I on the other hand will probably start updating my status in FB and lashing out on others in my blog. Where is my morale in that? Or can I simply say..i’m no angel I need to let it out??? And so is it fair to declare that I’m a happier person after all those stunt? Hhmmm..i wonder if my act of defensiveness and attitude is acceptable?
Again I believe no individual handles stress and crisis the same. I might find solace in being ignorance. The less I know the better the situation is??? That’s what I thought and might want to stay believing. No matter how bad our situation can get I for once believe that good judgment and a moment of silence will do wonders. Silence is golden, silence may also means a thousand words.
So my story is the next time I feel the need to let someone know a piece of my mind I would probably do it a day after. Giving myself ample of time to think with my head not with my furious heart!!! I’ll take a deep breath, a moment of silence and sleep it over, wake up the next morning and then I will decide if it’s worth hurting other’s like the hurt I felt inside. I might be a little forgiving but not forgetting. And most probably the choice of words would be less hurtful!! If u believe in the golden rule ‘"Do unto others as you would have others do unto you." Then u will choose wisely.
And so being a little poetic at the moment has nothing to do with other people dead or’s just something to ponder and on my part a lesson learned!

Monday, July 20, 2009
Surprise Birthday Party For Him
And so I had the hardest task in convincing him to wear a white T and I was so nervous on the day itself. Plan A was to tell him that i’ve ask a close friend to buy me his present and so I have to meet her first at Nachos to get it..but knowing him he wud probably juz ask me to get it later afterward. Plan B was to ask yen (my Nachos partner and his close buddy) to call him and pretend that there is an emergency at Nachos..that a new staff had spilled a hot plate of fajitas on a small kid (Allah forbid it ever happen) and that the boys father is hysterical and demanded to see the BIG BOSS himself.
Well..plan B worked. We were in the car when Yen get the sms fm me saying that it’s the right time to call and he did. After hubby hung up he looks so damn pale I feel BAD!!! Forgive me ‘yang’..i didn’t mean to be so cruel…hahaha. He was speeding to KD and I squirm in my seat partly to avoid myself laughing, He on the other hand was so worried that we wud end up being sued!!! Poor sayang…
Once at our destination he told me to handle the customer first while he waited for a parking lot. I was relief he decided to let me down first..i’m about to burst out laughing. I reached Nachos and I’m glad to see that everyone was there. We waited and then…he walks in!!! the crowd shouted ‘SURPRISE’ he was shocked + speechless and he look a lil bit lost I must say..hahaha..Finally it dawned slowly on him and he gave me that stern look that says..U BAD..BAD..GIRL!!!! hahaha…I love u yang.
And he did enjoy the rest of the day…