I had a funny day yesterday, perhaps i should call it a day of random mixed feelings. It's hard to explain when suddenly u feel hopeless and start to think hard of ur life and priority. Suddenly u feel suffocated with the current situation and u just need to change things a bit..but not sure what. The worst is when i totally lost my mojo and stared at the papers blankly. Nada..nothing whatsoever. The nothingness lingers after..that i thought i need an adrenaline rush to just figure out myself. I started to jog! It's been ages..since i do that.
After all the drama..i came back gasping for air n still...empty!! Ooohhh..confused too! So while i'm in a confused state i decided not to scrap till i'm totally myself. This is the first, feelings of indescribable confusion. Perhaps it will disolved in time. And please..i'm not that old to have a mid life crisis yet!!! Till then..mr mojo seems to dissapear somewhere...

I have been in that situation. you just need time to get over it. perhaps you have to look into why you feeling this way usually ada benda yg trigger your emotions. am sure you will find the source. Usually it is fear, guilt, shame, frustration. and it helps just to write your feelings out in paper. why in paper? cause there is no judgment and you can write freely..just tulis je..
or!!! hahaha am just saying k babes it might just be hormones???
Take care dear.
Yam..must be hormones. Alaaa u know lah org tgh merajuk kan...hehehe..
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