My garden is just around 6 x 12 feet I guess..and so the thought of having water feature is way out of d question besides I wanted something easy to maintain. I already have an indoor courtyard with koi pond and there is no need to have more of those. I wanted something simple but nice at the same time it should leave an impact on my visitors and reflects a bit about the house owner..which is..simplicity!! I was actually thinking of getting rid of the grass and instead having those white pebble stones covering the ground and a few big vases of plants scattered around..hhmmmm but I really should consult the landscaper for more ideas.

I was hoping to get it done soon but I’m not sure how long does it take to complete a lawn of my size??? Perhaps I should visit Sungai Buloh soon to find a landscaper..well I should because until then I will have sleepless nite thinking about it!!!

Amelia, bougenvilla for bunga kertas.. :)
babe, go to plaza damas shopping centre @ h'tmas lobby today till raya. tgh buat landscape show, we eyed on d pebble stone water fountain but tgh mengukur kelebaran our balcony yg sekangkang kera ni. dunno whr muat ke tak tu put that fountain? more choices fr makeover :)
Nisa...tq dear..hahaha..nama sedap..tapi bersepah2 lah bunga dia bila dah kering..haiyooo pening makcik di buat nyer...
Yanie..oohhh thanks dear..plaza damas yea..hhhmmm nanti i survey2..eehhh cool lah kat balcony buat water fountain..u shud!! dont forget to post d pics nanti..
Samelah..Zaila pon tangan fanas jugak..tak reti dalam mendecorate taman ni..
zaila..kita seruper..kekeke..
Gardening comes easier now for we can use different systems and technologies to help us make our work lighter. I'd like to have these systems in my own garden.
Garden makeovers
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