Today I went for a raya visit at frens place. Yati was so kind to organized a lunch get together for us. They were ana n family, haliza n family n few others. After lunch at Kota Damansara they head down to my place for afternoon of tea n coffee.
It was good fun and a chance to meet old buddies. All of us used to work with the Airline and now decided to make our own destiny elsewhere. There’s a lot of catching up to do but so limited time. I hope one of these day we get to see each other again. How time flies…*sigh*

i sukela rumah u...lawa.
btw is that ariani u r wearing??? love it...
best bila dapat berkumpul ramai2 kan?? by the way, cantik rumah you;)
Elin...tq so much, i like my House to be cozy so tetamu nak lepak pun relaks ajer...hehehe. Yes ariani very comfy n terletak...i like it too. Hehehe
zaila...tq dear. Rumah i biasa2 jer janji selesa kan....:)
best kan me dapat get together..yes,we shud do it again..sbb kejap sgt.time flies like so fast...dah 17yrs kita know each other..ish3x...dah tua makcik kekekeke..insyaallah,pjg umur jumpa lagi.nice set of "crew"
Na..great set of crew!!! how can we forget those days kan..kadang2 rindu gak ler konon2 nak sarung uniform tapi takat pakai uniform jer lah makcik xcited bila ingat keje..hhhmmmm no thank u!!! hehehe
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