I make it a point to blog early today in order to avoid the usual short posting i'm know with nowadays. Hahaha. Okay like always i love to ramble on every post, sorry if i bore most of my readers. Yup i know some are just here to peep on my latest work, some do spend time reading. It's perfectly okay..to do both! I'm happy anyway..lol
It's going to be a crazy weekend. The fasting month is here again for the muslim. I am so looking forward to it. I decided to keep my scrapping activity to the minimum and yes, less blog entry on Aug and maybe early sept due to 'Aidil Fitri Celebration'. I'll try to update and blog walk as often as i can. I promise i'll be back mid sept with a new class project for 'Papier'.
Okay, now that's said, straight to this layout for The Colour Room. Amazing colour palette this week. My page is bursting with orange and blue!!! Like always mistings and acrylic paint stamping for the background. A clustering of prima blooms and dusty attic chipboard. I stamped on the raw chipboard banner and add alpha to it.
Do visit TCR for more amazing layout from the DT. Awesome talent from the members too!!! Hopefully i'll be back tomorrow and if i did not update over the weekend i'd like to wish all muslims 'Ramadhan Al Mubarak' ..:)))

WOW WOW WOW...this is significantly Beautiful... you totally rocked TCR!!! The colors just so vivid Ame... clever chick!!!
Same to you sis... Salam Ramadhan to you and family too... hugs...xoxo
This layout is amazingly beautiful, I love the colours and what a lovely composition of everything on this page, loving the misting and I can see a lot of techniques used, if I have the time I wish I can join. Thanks for sharing this beautiful layout of yours and Salam Ramadhan.
this has got to be my fav!! I lvoe the colour scheme!! u totally rocked it gurl!! Selamat Berpuasa! :)
stunning ♥
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