It's sunday n we spend time at home. For afternoon tea, i decided to bake! Hahaha..dont ask me for d recipe as i'm a sucker for anything instant!! So pillsbury moist choc cake is d ultimate choice. It's as easy as 1,2..3. Behold my choc cuppies with choc n butter cream topping..hehehe. Heaven....:)
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Friday, February 26, 2010
Children Activity Scrapbook
I went to Papier today to restock on glue, papers and added few more stamps to my collection. I heart the Martha Steward Doily Border punch..oohhh even at this moment I squirmed with excitement! Cant wait to start using it soon.
Anyway, after that my son wanted to get a book from MPH. While browsing at the children corner I bump into a collection of Activity Scrapbook!!! Ohhh my, I can’t wait for allysha to grow up and start her own collection of scrapbook. I wanted to buy them all but go against the idea, it’s too precious to be torn apart by my princess!! Hehehe..
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Despite the Heat...
Despite the heat, my little desk and work area is busy n scattered with papers n ribbons. Yes production is going at a fast rate this week. I have so many pending request and tried to finish them by end of this week.
First wud be the massive production of 20 mini cards from which only 10 managed to be delivered today for a friend who runs her own online cuppies business..tq Yan for believing in me..hehehe and 6 journal request from others. But i must say the most challenging is this particular order from Kak Aida.
She wanted an album n also a journal in one, so i had to scout for raw material and did this journal album from scratch. At first i was planning to bind them together but on 2nd thought i decided to used the ring instead so in future she will be able to add more papers or album if she wish too. I hope it's what she wanted, it took me 4 days to complete it!!! Hahaha..yeah talking bout being amateur..have a look at d photos n tell me what u think?
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Facebook and Status Update
Have u ever update ur fb status n being misunderstood? Well that happens a number of times for me. I love having new found friends but more than often it’s difficult for me to get warm, up close and personal in a short time. U see I’m a simple person who is also very shy, timid and cold at times. I can’t just say hi and pretend that I’ve known u for life and assume everyone is comfortable being in a close relation with me.
That’s just me and most of the time I am being label as arrogant, choosy and a stuck up person. Which of course I’m not! And sometimes whenever I update my fb status I did not mean to condemned or put down certain friends or individual but on certain occasion I was told I had cause a hurtful feelings toward others.
Dear friends, I am so sorry. I have no intention whatsoever to say something bad or nasty. That is not my nature..well unless I’m pissed off of course but I never thought that sometimes without noticing they are a certain comment and statement that poke through certain hearts. Please accept my apologies. As much as I can try to avoid being insensitive and to generalized my status to something more about ‘me’ than about ‘others’.
Just the other day Mr Hubby advised to update less about ‘shopping’, he said think about those unfortunate who have nothing but enough to survived. Yes that made me think..i used to say if u have it flaunt it, but then again the malay proverb always say..’makin tunduk makin berisi’. You are so right dear..and just yesterday ‘allah’ make me see something that pierce my heart. Lets just keep that as my secret n lesson. Thank you..u made me realized…life is beautiful and worth living, they are life other than mine worth thinking...;)

Monday, February 22, 2010
Short but meaningful
My latest lo is about our short trip to Cameron highland late last year. It was just a one night stay at de la fern hotel and we depart the next evening. The kids as usual r beaming ear to ear and so am i but sad to say the weather was not in our favor, it was raining the whole day and a visit to 'Boh' plantation and most of d farms had to be cancelled. It’s okay we’ll visit again soon..:)
Great Sunday n a Birthday.
We started the day slow, wake up late n taking our own sweet time eating, watching tv and entertaining the kids. At 2 pm we get dressed for Marissa’s 5th Birthday Party at KFC. Thank you Ana n hubby for inviting us.
My kids had fun esp Alif, Allysha on the other hand freak out upon seeing the the KFC Chicky mascot. Hahaha. Yeah my gurl is scared for anything big n furry!!! Anyway the person who had fun the most I wud say is my husband.
He was force to participate in the balloon popping game by me after yours truly chicken out! I hate to disappoint my boy as I’m lousy at blowing balloons and will take ages to get it fully blown. He had to replace me and the next thing u know alif won the challenge! Omg..he slam dunk my son (as ana put it) to pop altogether 5 balloons n by the time he’s done I’m glad alif is still in one piece!!! Hahahaha. Over excited ‘abah’ is so competitive!! But we all had a good laugh about it. Everyone is happy.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
The talented Teacher Jessy
Hey peeps u know how crazy I am with this hobby of mine aigghhtt!!! So this shout out is dedicated to my teacher, sifu n mentor..non other than teacher jessy. i owe her big time for all the inspiration and ideas. Yes I often check in her blog to see her amazing work and her ‘vintage’ look is not only awesome it is oohhh so classic!!!
So for this special month she had a RAK to be given away to the lucky ones who will be handpicked by Jessy’s own Mr Handsome. And yeaahhhh the RAK looks so yummmyyy and yes I have a thick skin to say that I wanttttt it soooo badly, hahaha. The best part is participation is easy, just leave a comment on her blog post or u can do a shout out at ur blog just like what I’m doing.
She even post a tutorial for a vintage look + shabby chic card. Do drop by her blog for more info.
p/s: jessy pls excuse me borrowing ur pics, the RAK is too tempting not to be featured here!! Hahaha
Friday, February 19, 2010
Lomography..the artistic way
Some might wonder or never heard of lomography before. For accurate interpretation pls go here. My term is fairly simple, it’s an artistic form of photos taken spontaneously without rules n barrier. Shoot whatever, whenever n however u like it, of course u need a special camera for that and so here comes the lomo cameras. Unique in it’s own, the original design uses the 35mm film and only recently they introduced the digital version.
I did my research as I was planning to get one but a friend advice not to buy the digital version, the review is not that good either..but having said that I was also contemplating on how often I need to developed my films?? Meaning I will not get instant photos downloaded and it will take weeks before I cud get my hands on those pictures not to mention I need to stock up on films..hhhmmm still evaluating the pro’s n cons.
Thanks to a friend who advises me to download the free lomo application for iphone and let’s just say I lurveeee it big time!! (guess I’ve found the fav word of d week..big time!!) hahaha. Okay back to r some of the pics that I managed to snap at home. Yuppp I was at home the whole day…hahaha. Isn’t it great..a novice like me managed to get the photos looking artistic. I have not tried printing it yet, perhaps I will do it tomorrow n see the end result. So..Will u guys consider lomo??? What do u think?
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