Natasha & Me
Today I had a date with one of my old friend, Natasha. Nat n I were friends since 1993. We met when both of us are still working for the airline and even thou through out the years we kinda go our separate way but we never fail to remember each other.
I promised to see her at Pavilion, little did I realized it was Friday evening n the traffic in KL is at a standstill. On my way there I was half cursing at the traffic n at myself. Initially we plan to meet at 5 but I ended up arriving at 6. Poor nat had to wait for me for almost an hour.
I promised to see her at Pavilion, little did I realized it was Friday evening n the traffic in KL is at a standstill. On my way there I was half cursing at the traffic n at myself. Initially we plan to meet at 5 but I ended up arriving at 6. Poor nat had to wait for me for almost an hour.

Upon reaching my destination we headed straight to where I’m supposed to take her..the LV boutique at starhill. We had a good session of trying on this n that n a littl

Gucci Tote - I tried on this bag n I like...hehehe
At around 7.30 we head back to pavilion where we had our dinner at TGIF and reminiscing bout our good old days. Yeahhh who wud have guess..nat mom’s think she’s corrupting me..and if only she knew the truth!!! Anyway I’m glad we had the meet up and we should do it more often. Perhaps a movie next time yeahhh???
Our dinner

To my friend matter where the road take us I will always treasure our friendship. Do keep in touch.